AudioMulch Tutorial 6: Controlling the Metasurface with MIDI

This is a basic tutorial designed for new users of AudioMulch. It demonstrates how to control the Metasurface via a MIDI keyboard or other MIDI device.

Note: First time users may want to begin with the first tutorial in this series.

Be sure to click the full screen button to watch the tutorial at full size.


This tutorial, step by step:

  1. Connect a MIDI device to your computer and switch it on.
  2. Start up AudioMulch.
  3. Open the patch that was built in the Using The Metasurface tutorial (Click here to download the patch).
  4. Press the Enable MIDI button on the toolbar to enable MIDI input.
  5. In AudioMulch's View menu, select Parameter Control.
  6. In the list on the left pane of the Parameter Control window, open up the Metasurface parameters and select Interpolate_X.
  7. In the right pane, enter the settings for the controller on your MIDI device that you want to use to control the x parameter (the horizontal position on the surface) of the Metasurface. For example, a knob, wheel or slider, or the x parameter of an XY pad.
  8. In the list on the left pane of the Parameter Control window, select Interpolate_Y.
  9. In the right pane, enter the settings for the controller on your MIDI device that you want to use to control the y parameter (the vertical position on the surface) of the Metasurface. For example, a different knob, wheel or slider, or the y parameter of an XY pad.
  10. Now your MIDI device is set up to control the Metasurface. Test by manipulating the your controller(s) that you just mapped to the Metasurface parameters. Interpolation crosshairs will move around on the surface.
  11. Note that MIDI control of the Metasurface will even work in Edit mode - you can move the snapshot positions with the mouse without losing control of the Metasurface.

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