I am using several Aux ins/outs and give them a useful name to help me to create an easy environment.
From time to time it happens that I need to check which Aux is a specific physical in/out.
I am probably missing an easy point, so can you please tell me how can I understand which original Aux contraption number it is after that I have renamed it ?
thanks a lot !
Hmm.. good question Luca!
View > Show Contraption Input/Output Info
Then roll over the inputs/outputs of the contraption and it will show you which sound card inputs/outputs they are connected to.
Actually finding out which AuxX it is is not possible right now (without looking in the XML document). That sounds like a bug I should fix.
yes, I think it would be a great idea to have the chance to track their original name gven that this is what is shown in the Aux ins/outs list.
Another useful thing would be to have the Auxes' Vu meter name follow the name given to the relative Aux contraption.
I think the contraption property tab could be the place where to find the informations about the "given" name vs the original name and eventually a box to check if the Vu Meter has to copy the "given" name or not.
I know, it's not one of those "world change" features but still pretty useful if one is using several ins/outs...
thanks a lot !
Dear Ross,
any chance to get the "recognizing the Aux" fixed ?
Also, the Vu Meter direct renaming would be very useful.
The main wish is still the chance to recognize the Aux name after renaming though...
thanks a lot,
Hi Luca
I think the best workaround for the time being if you rename your Auxes is to include the Aux name in the renamed contraption, eg:
I'm going to completely re-do the metering in an upcoming release (approximately next 6 months) and I'll try to fix all this then.