Auto panning?

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hermetic9's picture
Joined: July 10, 2015

Hi all,

In AM, is there any way of achieving an auto-pan effect that is triggered by audio signal (rather than an LFO)? If it is not possible with any of AM's contraptions, do let me know if you know of any third-party plug-ins that might do the job.


Kant's picture
Joined: May 29, 2015

What exactly is it that you are trying to do? Could you give an example, and we'll see if we can figure something out

hermetic9's picture
Joined: July 10, 2015

Hi Kant, thanks for responding. 

It's for a performance piece wherein a metal object is swung (like a pedulum) over a guitar's pickup, producing intermittent 'hums'. I'd like for each hum to pan from left to right speaker.