Dear Ross,
I am using more midi controllers at the same time.
Right now I am using the Novation Remote Zero as midi merger ( controllers midi output go to its midi in and the Novation goes to the laptop via Usb) so AM sees all the midi changes as coming from the same midi input.
I am planning to use a different setup therefore I need to have the midi controllers go into the laptop via different inputs ( Usb and soundcard's physical midi).
While for vsts I can assign different simoultaneous midi inputs, I cannot do it with AM's contraptions, which accept just one input.
Do you think there will be the chance to do it in a future release ?
> While for vsts I can assign different simoultaneous midi
> I cannot do it with AM's contraptions, which accept just one input.
I'm not sure I understand the question since what you say seems false. There are 8 midi ports in AM. (MidiIn1 - MidiIn8). These can be used in the patcher. And also they are used for MIDI Parameter Modulation.
So yes, you can have up to 8 different devices as sources of MIDI parameter control and use them all at once. Right now. This has been the case for a long time.
Or maybe I didn't understand the question?
I know Ross,
I am asking about the chance to have a contraption receiving midi from more midi ports simultaneously.
By what I see you can assign just one single midi control source.
> I am asking about the chance to have a contraption receiving midi from more midi ports simultaneously.
Every parameter has its own control source. The control source includes the MIDI port.
> By what I see you can assign just one single midi control source.
Each parameter yes has its own control source.
Maybe you are asking for something different than "to have a contraption receiving midi from more midi ports simultaneously."
Sorry Ross,
using a different language can often confuse the meaning of simple things.
I would like that a parameter could be controlled by, say, the midi footcontroller AND the midi desktop controller.
Same kind of midi message, of course, sent by two different devices to the same parameter of the same contraption.
Hi Luca,
Would it be enough to have multiple MIDI devices map to one AM MIDI port? For example, in settings be able to select multiple devices for each MIDI input:
MidiIn1: DesktopController AND Footcontroller
right now no contraindications to this solution come to my mind.
Hi Ross,
are there any news about this ?
Do you think it is possible to implement this option ?
I reached my goal with MidiOx and MidiYoke.
Still think it would be a nice option to find native in AM...