Mac - AU Effects List Not Displaying Fully

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Winstontaneous's picture
Joined: October 25, 2011

I just recognized that the Audio Units Plugins --> Effects list will only display the current screen size's worth of plugins. I'm running AudioMulch 2.2.4 on a late 2012 15" MacBook Pro with OSX 10.8.5.

I'm talking about the box that comes up from right clicking/Control clicking on the Patcher, not the Plugins list in the Browser at the left side of the screen.

I have a bunch of AU Effects my case, with current display settings (1200 x 800) AM only displays 49 rows, down to "S". There is a downward-pointing arrow at the bottom of the box, but it doesn't do anything. No auto-scroll, and mouse/trackpad/navigation keys don't do anything either. 

Not a problem in the VST plugin box, in the Patcher, though I have even more VSTs than AUs. I don't have this problem with AU Instruments, Generators, or Panners, but that may be because I have fewer of them (none of those 3 lists is as long as the AU Effects one).

Thanks, I can send a screenshot if that helps.

bionomicon's picture
Joined: October 31, 2013

On mine, if I put the cursor ON the down arrow, nothing happens. I have to actually scroll down BELOW the arrow, but it's a fine line between scrolling and exiting the menu.

bionomicon's picture
Joined: October 31, 2013

I find that I have to actually move the cursor BELOW the arrow to make it scroll. Not too far, though.