Can't open exported aif files in an audio editor? [FIXED in 2.1.0]

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JM Charcot
JM Charcot's picture
Joined: June 24, 2009

Hello Ross, mulchers,

When I want to export a sound file under Mac OS X Snow Leopard, I can choose export to wav or aif.

wav will open correctly, but aif files give me an error message. I can open them in itunes or vlc, but not in a sound editor (I tried with Amadeus Pro and Wave Editor).
However Wave Editor tries to repair the aif file.

Here are the details I've got from Wave Editor :

Description: The IFF size will be modified to match the length of the audio file.
Prognosis: Good

and then :
Description: The chunk's size will be changed to the remainder of the length of the file.
Prognosis: Poor

After the two attempts to repair it's ok and I can also open the aif file in Amadeus Pro.

Kind regards,


Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009


Could be a bug. Can you email me a _smal_l broken aif file to Thanks
