The AudioMulch discography lists released music made with the help of AudioMulch. Releases are listed at the request of their creator, or based on information from interviews and other published sources.
Community members can add their own discography entries. Read the discography guidelines to learn what can and can't be listed.
If you'd like your own releases listed, or know of releases made with AudioMulch that aren't listed here, please send information including Artist Name, Release Name, Release Type (EP, LP, Compilation etc), Release Date, Label, URL(s) and other information to
thom bailey writes: "Several of the tone generators on Audio Mulch have been invaluable for scything through otherwise cluttered sound environments. I've made extensive use of the Risset tones and the 10-harmonic generator for live performances, in which a steady base of ultra-concentrated sound was needed as a counterpoint to other musicians' improvisations. These have also been crucial to a recent outdoor sound installation of mine, in which the sounds were doing battle with the rumble of downtown traffic"