Hi Everyone
On July 2 and 4 as part of this year's Australasian Computer Music Conference I will be presenting 2 free workshops exploring AudioMulch 2. Everyone is welcome to attend. It would be great to see you there.
Dates: Thursday 2nd and Saturday 4th July
Time: 3pm each day
Duration: 2 hours
QUT, Kelvin Grove Campus, Brisbane.
Creative Industries Precinct
"The Glasshouse"
The workshops are free.
Bring your laptop if you like, the format will be flexible based on who attends and what people are interested in.
You may also be interested in two free public concerts from 7:30pm on Thursday (2nd) and Friday (3rd) nights. There a plans for me to perform a live-patching duel with live-coding master Andrew Sorensen in one of the concerts.
For further details see:
how did the workshop go?
The workshops went really well. They were well attended and we covered a lot of ground. Most people there hadn't used AudioMulch before so I introduced the basics and then demonstrated various techniques. We took some video of the second workshop, which I'll put on line once I've had a chance to capture and edit it. -- Ross