I am a fairly new AM user. Been using hardware for years, was feeling kind of burnt out on my current hardware setup. Then I came upon some AM demos and instantly knew that it would be perfect for me. The very next day I sold off my hardware and bought a Macbook and a copy of AM. Havent looked back since.
Anyway, this place seems a bit dead, which is a shame. A thriving forum would be very nice, and probably help with AM sales too. So, if anyone is still here, lets hear from you.
ya, a few ghosts yet remain in this haunted house. Apparently Ross still does development-- though there has been nothing released for quite a while.
Yeah, the last update i found from Ross was from January. He stated that hes still plugging away at AM, albeit at a slightly reduced pace. He seems like a solid dude from the posts Ive read from him, so I have confidence in him. Would be cool if we at least could get this forum rolling, it should help with the product profile of AM too.
There are quite a few of us around, I think. Perhaps haven't had much to post recently.
Thats good to hear! Seems AM has a decent userbase across some other forums too. I see it recommended at muffwiggler all the time (which is also where I first came across it). Its a great piece of software for people like me (and probably many others on this board), who initially migrated to hardware in order to avoid the tyranny of linear timelines, grids and piano rolls.
Agreed! I just wish it had a MIDI step sequencer contraption.
Personally I havent really felt the need for a step sequencer yet. Im more missing a well rounded LFO.
I still check and try to answer questions where I can, I think AM is an amazing piece of software and have been using it for a long time now so will support wherever I can.
I think the lack of activity can probably be attributed to a few things:
I still browse the forums. Audiomulch is still my favourite noise making software. :)
You probably hit the nail on the head with those points.
Gotta say, though, Im continually amazed of the depth of AM once you start to dig deep.
Here's my 2 cents....
Haven't been doing much music wise lately in the past couple years. Mostly cuz my DAW hard drive died and I couldn't be bothered to fix it (life, work, etc).
Then, I started reading reviews of Arturia Microbrute and I starting getting twitchy. Just two days ago I found myself looking at one at the store. Impulsively I decided to buy one. Took it home and yes, its really quite nice. But without a DAW I was pretty limited. AHA! says I. I will just whip out LEMUR and get an iPad daw program. And I almost did. But I knew in my heart all I really wanted to do was mulch. You see, the microbrute was good fun, but I couldn't rearrange the thing 814343 ways from Sunday. I couldnt tear it apart, put it together backwards and then repeat.
So i broke down and got a modest PC for the express purpose of mulching. Within 5 minutes I was up to my old tricks, making crazy delay lines with flangers and spider webs of patch lines. What fun.
Excellent! I too brifely relapsed back to hardware, but quickly ended up missing AM. You should hang onto the microbrute and use it conjunction with AM. Sample and mangle.