i'm not sure if this is possible but i hope it is.
i got audiomulch to work inside of reaper (with rearoute), but i can't get the two synced up. this is good for using reasamplomatic.. but for timebased stuff not so good!
is it possible? thanks
i'm not sure if this is possible but i hope it is.
i got audiomulch to work inside of reaper (with rearoute), but i can't get the two synced up. this is good for using reasamplomatic.. but for timebased stuff not so good!
is it possible? thanks
i went completely mad trying to do this!
reroute is a dog of a thing IMO....AFAIK it cannot be done.(?) atleast without a heap of grief. I gave up after too much stress...it neednt be so hard!
When AudioMulch comes equipped with ReWire i will be at peace.
edit: i remeber now. schwa informed me that NO rearoute does not have any transport sync capabilities cos thats just the way that code is...Thats why ReWire was invented...so yeah..its a dog of a thing, and it fucks with ur native asio in ur AD DAinterface....atleast it did with mine.
It can be done....I posted how to do it on the Reaper forum a year or so ago...I'll try and dig out the post ;-)
hmmm, turns out I didn't post a how to, just a tip
What bit are you having trouble with?
thanks for the responses!
i'm not sure how that tip helps with syncing the two transports! but i'm kind of noobish
seems like what i need is rewire! (or audiomulch vst/vsti) rearoute is kind of a pain :\
yeah, like i said it cant be done. U can record into reaper no worries, but you will not be able to sync with transport controls cause the code of rearoute will not allow it. Thats why ReWire was invented. And until AM gets ReWire its its biggest flaw.
Have you thought about using MidiYoke to route MIDI clock between Reaper and AudioMulch to synchronise their transports? -- Ross