Mac OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) Compatibility?

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Winstontaneous's picture
Joined: October 25, 2011

Figured I'd start a thread about AudioMulch and the new Mac OSX 10.9 (Mavericks). Any comments or issues, Ross?

I'm gonna wait at least a couple weeks while I'm working on a video project, no need to throw a spanner in the works. But, things like Finder tabs (wow, finally catching up to the 2003 Linux desktop experience!), real dual-monitor support, and lower power consumption are tempting. Unfortunately, doesn't look like they did anything with system-wide font re-scaling.

drlids's picture
Joined: December 28, 2009

I agree, there are some attractive features. It might be time to upgrade from Snow Leopard at long last! But not until the compatibility issues are discovered.

Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

Comments from me:

The usual wisdom applies: best not to rush into these things. If history is any guide there are usually compatibility problems with *some* apps and hardware.

As for AudioMulch: I have not done any AudioMulch testing with the pre-release developer seed of Mavericks so I don't have anything concrete to report at this time. So far I am not aware of any specific issues with AudioMulch.

My development machines here run Snow Leopard and Lion. I won't be upgrading any time soon however I will do some testing on Mavericks as soon as I get access to a machine running it.

I too would be very interested to hear from anyone who trys it.

If any issues are found they will be fixed as a priority.

Winslow17's picture
Joined: December 29, 2010

Works for me, though I have hardly tried every last feature of AM. 

My main complaint, so far, is that now, when you add color to a file or folder, Finder no longer colors the entire name; it only places a small colored dot near the name, making it all the more difficult to quickly find colored items when scanning the desktop or a list of files, etc. Strikes me as perverse, as was the stripping of color from items in the Finder window sidebar. The way I see it, Apple is determined to make OS X more and more like iOS, discouraging us from thinking in terms of files, etc. 

Winslow17's picture
Joined: December 29, 2010

Update: As noted in the "Bugs" forum here, I think I am seeing AM's GUI not running as smoothly under Mavericks as it did under Lion (10.7). 

ignatius's picture
Joined: June 25, 2009

won't go near mavericks... not w/a ten foot pole. 

there are some reports of gains in processing power in some apps but also lot's of stupid stuff geared towards social networks and uh.. ebooks and maps.  not really important to me. 

i hope someone umps in w/both feet and makes a standalone music box that runs on stripped down windows and has none of the junk we don't need... hopefully ebfore apple sandboxes logic and creates even more hell for software (especially plug in) developers.


Winslow17's picture
Joined: December 29, 2010

For whatever it's worth, I believe the installation of Mavericks has added a bunch of new AU components to OS X. Or did I miss them before? I just noticed them at the bottom of AM's list off to the left. They are Panners, coming in these categories: SoundFieldPanner, SphericalHeadPanner, and Vector Panner, in 16 or so variations, two, and twelve, respectively. I've not explored them, yet.


Also, in the Apple Effects list, up to top of AM's list, I think I see another addition or two. Such as, RoundTripAAC, in Mono and Stereo versions. I can't quite figure out what they do, partly because the Editor window doesn't work so well. When I ask to Show Details, it overlays a new collection of buttons and things over the basic list and .... well, it's a visual mess. (As some other Apple components are, too, I've noticed; I just stopped using them.)

Babaluma's picture
Joined: June 24, 2009

The RoundTripAAC is probably the applet which lets you hear how something will sound after it's been encoded to AAC for iTunes downloads, streaming and radio. You need to use it if submitting something to MFiT to ensure no digital overs or inter-sample peaks after the conversion.

ignatius's picture
Joined: June 25, 2009

so, mavericks and audiomulch are working ok together? 

Winslow17's picture
Joined: December 29, 2010

Except for what appears to be some sluggishness in the display of moving cursor (in Bassline and Southpole, for instance, as described above), I have had no problems running AM with Mavericks. I am, however, hardly the one who pushes AM to its limits, exercising every last feature. 

This GUI sluggishness seems to show up elsewhere, in other programs. Every so often, the spinning beach ball shows up momentarily for no apparent reason. Wierd. And I am on a Mac Pro, not laptop.

Winstontaneous's picture
Joined: October 25, 2011

Thanks for the replies. I'm not in a hurry, I just finished a big video editing project and would have gone crazy ironing out OS-related bugs. I'll wait for at least a point release I think, though the Finder and multi-monitor features are really tempting.

Ross, while we're on the topic of OSX and AudioMulch...I believe AM is the only Mac program I've ever used that allows navigating in a pop-up dialogue box (like "Save") with the left-right arrow keys. This is awesome, one of the many things I took for granted in Windows...what's your secret? Why don't other developers take advantage of this?

Also, I've been checking out ReactiVision (using Pure Data) which I believe you were involved in...great stuff, many thanks!

Winslow17's picture
Joined: December 29, 2010

Relative to the diminished responsiveness in cursor movements in Bassline and Southpole, I also see some sluggishness in the Automation pane after moving to Mavericks. Moving a preset marker horizontally in any particular lane also moves a marker up top that shows location in terms of bars and beats, but under Mavericks, that marker up top sometimes cannot keep up with the one below. This and the sluggish cursor can be annoying. 

SecretSecrets's picture
Joined: December 25, 2011

I use mulch primarily for loop players, and I had issues after upgrading to 10.9. Sometimes my clicks would register, sometimes they would take a few seconds to register, and sometimes there was nothing at all. I had some two shows coming up so I just downgraded right back to 10.8