Akai MPD24 - Works?

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rooftopsonfire's picture
Joined: June 23, 2009

Has anyone had any joy controlling AM2 (Mac) with an Akai MPD24 over USB? I tried it this morning and had no joy...

It's recognized by the laptop and AM2, but when I go to MIDI assign some controls, they don't pick up the signal. I tried the same with my Oxygen 8v2 and that works just fine.

MIDI Input is checked, and I've assigned my MPD to the right send channel. What's going wrong?


Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

During beta testing there was one report of something like this. I have not been able to get to the bottom of it yet.

I'd be happy to work with you to try to sort this out.

From what I gather the MPD has two MIDI subdevices (A and B) and only one of them is currently working with AM2. Can you try that?



rooftopsonfire's picture
Joined: June 23, 2009

Hi Ross,

I'll give it a shot when I get home tonight. So far, it's not worked on any of the 'A' channels over USB or MIDI (through my Audio Kontrol 1). Will give the 'B' group a shot.

FWIW, I'm using the latest MPD24 update (OS 1.10) - I don't know if that's causing an issue?

Will report back :o)

flukazoid's picture
Joined: June 26, 2009

Yeah, I'm an MPD24 user that had issues with using it in AM2

rooftops, easiest way to fix it is to go into your global settings and select the CC channel as being 1B. that way everything gets sent through to that channel by default and you don't need to reprogram every knob and fader... providing you're not already using channels in your patches, that is.

rooftopsonfire's picture
Joined: June 23, 2009

Ah, cool.

So the 'B' channel works? Which of the three ports should I be using when I select my MIDI input device?

Will give it a crack.

rooftopsonfire's picture
Joined: June 23, 2009

Right; sussed it. Using the first MIDI port that the MPD24 displays (one of three) set the device to Common Channel 1B, and Mulch will pick it up.

Something I found (bugs that I couldn't replicate every time) was that once you'd mapped something with the clock was stopped, you had to restart it from 0.0 to get the mapping to 'pick up'. After that, it seemed to work OK.

I think this controller may be the future for controlling AM2! Note Aftertouch is the BUSINESS for filter/delay control.


I had it working with note aftertouch earlier on, but now it's not picking it up; only 'channel pressure'. Bum. Not sure what to do with that one...

EDIT 2 -

Strangeness. Have run the MPD24 through 'MIDIPipe' and it's showing 'Channel Aftertouch' as the pressure message from the pads. Obviously Mulch picks this up as 'Channel Pressure' which comes from all pads... that means one pad controls everything! Crap.

Have tried changing the message to 'Poly Aftertouch' but that just send a bunch of note data out and mulch picks up ONE of the note stream. Again, not a winner.

Anyone have any thoughts?

EDIT 3 -

OK! Sorted (I think). One VERY important point to add is that the MPD24 pads can be switched between CPR and PPR. They have GOT to be set to PPR so that AM2 can pick up the messages.

I knew it'd be something stupid like that. I should have remembered after the traumas I had with converting the messages from PPR to MIDI CC# to work in Ableton Live (maaaan, that is a ball-ache).

I can go to bed happy now! Sorry for clogging up your board, Ross!

Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

i don't see any clogging :)

I'm still not clear on how the MPD exposes its MIDI channels to AM (I actually don't understand this 1A 1B business).

In AM can you select from more than one MPD24 device in the AM Midi Control settings? How do these devices relate to the 1A, 1B stuff?



rooftopsonfire's picture
Joined: June 23, 2009


It's a little confusing to me, too, TBH.

In AM, you can select three different inputs for the MPD24 - I need to do a bit more digging through the documentation as to why it supplys three separate inputs (Unless... unless it's one input for the pads, one for the encoders, and one for the faders... Hmm. But then input one allows all three areas to go through)

The A / B 'Common Channel' settings (1A, 2A, 2B, 3B etc) would infer that you need to have separate MIDI inputs selected in Mulch. However, even when I have the first available device (input) selected in AM, the 1B (all the 'B' channels) transmits data.

It's a curious one. I'm going to do some more tinkering over the weekend - going to see if I can find some kind of tool to monitor the channels.

However, it works for now! Huzzah! Lots of matrix-switching-filter-tweaking-distortion-adding madness to be enjoyed.

peter's picture
Joined: July 26, 2009

how about a Akai MPC 500 would it be possible to connect it to AudioMulch??

rooftopsonfire's picture
Joined: June 23, 2009

Certainly can. Just plug your MIDI I/O into your soundcard or MIDI interface, select the MIDI input in AM (read the manual on that one!), and you're good to go.

On the 500, you may need to re-assign the pads to a suitable set of note numbers; I know that the default settings has a ridiculously random layout of notes!

The same goes for sync'ing it up (although I never tried with mine) - MIDI I/O, sync settings, then press play.

peter's picture
Joined: July 26, 2009

and iff you press the pads, do they work with Audiomulch? I'm looking at info about Audiomulch, but can't find anything about this...maybe you could give me an example of one of the applications within Audiomulch??


rooftopsonfire's picture
Joined: June 23, 2009

You can play the pads as you would a standard MIDI keyboard, or assign them to functions within AM. I can't remember if the pads transmit aftertouch messages or not (for say, filter depth or delay mix) but either way, the pads can be assigned to functions in AM.

It's probably best for you to read up on the MIDI functionality of the MPC500 as the questions you are raising are really about the 500 not AM. AM will recieve the MIDI messages that you put into it.

I use my MPD for triggering the audio matrix - makes for some lovely audio-routing fun! It's all about using your imagination, and finding what works best for you.