I remember it was discussed a long ago, but I wanted to bring this topic back as whenever I face this issue I find it important and probably easy to fix ( don't really know how easy it could be Ross, but anyway...).
I renamed the inputs and outputs ( Sound In, Sound Out and in and out Auxes contraptions) to show what they are doing ( master out, loop out, guitar in, mic in, external processors ins/outs etc.) and whenever I need to change some settings like splitting some vsts or contraption outputs to different physical outputs or when I change my audio card, I find it really hard and time consuming to trace what named contraption is corresponding to which in and out Auxes in the Audio driver Settings page.
It would be really great if the new names given to the these Auxes could act like Ross managed to happen regarding the VU meters, which reflect the new name or, at least, find a way to trace what they are.
I hope I have been able to express what I wanted...
Thanks a lot,
I think if you select the "show I/O info on contraptions" option in one of the menus, you can find the actual physical I/O name by hovering the cursor over it in the patcher pane. Or does that just dhow your changed name?
Hey Babaluma,
thanks for this !
I keep this function off to save some cpu so I had never noticed it.
No worries, happy it works for you!