Teeny tiny issue in Bassline

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Winslow17's picture
Joined: December 29, 2010

As expected, the individual tabs, or buttons, in the horizontal Notes bar/lane in Bassline shrink and expand as one pulls or pushes on the ends of the scroll bar. These buttons change their faces, too, showing three dots when small, the name of their notes when large.
There is a section in the middle of this range, however, where the buttons still have three dots but don't reveal their note values in an automatic pop-up, as they do when smaller. Instead, one has to click on the button to see its value - a slight pain in the neck. A little larger, and the name shows up on the button itself.
I cannot prove it, but I think this behavior is new with the latest release of AM.

Winslow17's picture
Joined: December 29, 2010

Forgot to mention, I am using AM on a Mac.

Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

Yes that does rather sound like a bug.