Some time back I posted re: trying to get parameter modulation into AM.
Since then I've experimented with using Reaper to stream midi modulation into AM. Usable, but not very intuitive.
But recently I discovered Nodal:
It's basically a midi sequencer that uses network diagrams to create generative music. I like the fact that you can easily create and visualise non equal phrase lengths. It's quite simple with few features and still a little wobbly at times, but I've really enjoyed using it.
Last night I created a few experiments sending control messages to AM using polyrythmic patterns. I could probably have created all of this in AM, however I found it much easier to visualise in Nodal.
And like AM it's Australian :-)
Thanks for the tip. I tried Nodal based on your recommendation. It is brilliant. I hope that one of the contraptions for AM will be a MIDI recorder.
Hi, thinking more and more that that might be useful. The way I'd do it at the moment is to record into Reaper at the same time. A concern though would be that Reaper might not be syncing exactly in the same way as AM possibly resulting in timing differences.
Better would probably be to use a midi sequencer/recorder that runs inside AM as a vst - Fruity Loops and Energy XT are popular.
Not only Australian, but from Melbourne as well! (though some may uncharitably exclude Clayton - where the main Monash Campus is located - from being part of Melbourne in their estimations ; ).
Thanks also for the tip re: Nodal Brendon. Have been aware of its existence for a while now, but never thought to check it out. Reasonably priced too. Alas on my system (Mac OS X 10.6.8) Nodal has unexpectedly quit out a few times in my trials thus far…
While on the subject of MIDI modulators/sequencers for Mulch, another interesting (& free) app to check out is iannix: http://iannix.org/en/index.php Looks visually spectacular too. It mainly talks OSC but it is relatively straightforward to "reformat" messages to MIDI messages - just check some of the examples. Its got a way to go - especially with respect to documentation, though the only "serious" limitation is that AFAIK it won't actually sync to a host (yet?)…
Well there's also a small Monash campus here in South Africa, although only focusing on IT and Business.
Nodal: Yes it's clearly still a bit buggy, but holds promise. I've been making up a list of bugs/suggestions, but the XP version is definitely useable.
Funny I came across Iannix at the same time as Nodal. It displays a little weirdly on my PC (font is not very readable) but is promising. OSC to midi: can that be done from within Iannix?
I came across both apps whilst doing a survey of generative & algorithmic type software by trawling through the entire data base of http://algorithmic.net/
Besides Max/MSP & Pure Data, I also came across [url=http://repmus.ircam.fr/openmusic/home]Open Music[/url] and [url=http://www2.siba.fi/pwgl/index.html]PWGL[/url] that looked worthwhile. And although IMO I wouldn't define AM as algorithmic software, it's a pity AM isn't in the data base as it generally compares well re: useability and maturity.
Not strictly OSC to MIDI, but rather just (re)formatting the message(s) to output MIDI can be done in iannix.
There is an example in the iannix (.8.2.1) release called "Simple Midi example" where you can see the expected message format to output MIDI - hover cursor over any trigger or cursor to view the message(s) (ie midi://IanniX_Out/note 1 42 trigger_value) or double click on the object to edit the message to suit. Iannix creates its own virtual midi output port.
Okay having a look at the Midi possibilities now.
A few discussions:
Will give feedback if I have success...
It appears Iannix has a problem with midi in windows.
Guillaume (Iannix developer) [url=http://iannix.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=213#p475]says[/url]:
"It seems that Windows doesn't allow to create software MIDI port. So IanniX have troubles to create its own virtual ports. You need to install something like MIDI Yoke (http://www.midiox.com/myoke.htm)"
But [url=http://www.iannix.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=174&p=356#p494]zaxx says[/url] that midiyoke doesn't work. However he's gotten loopbe to work.
There may be others as well. Question is whether I feel like getting into testing virtual ports.....
On Windows I've been using MIDI Yoke for years, for a variety of projects. I haven't tested the Windows-7 version so extensively but it seems to work for me.
Just my 2 cents.
hi Ross
Well so far I've gotten loopbe to work on a basic level with winxp. Trouble enough, that I didn't get round to testing midiyoke. I'm suspecting, though I might be wrong that as OSC seems to be their main thrust that midi may be an after thought. So not sure if it's worth pursuing. But I submitted a bug report (font display problems etc) and will hope for the best. It's early days and possibly it'll become workable. Once again I realise the value of ensuring basic useability before adding features.
For those who are interested (although moving dangerously far from AM discussion), I've done some testing of Iannix and have had [url=http://www.iannix.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=266]this discussion[/url] re: bugs.
Given all the effort you've gone to attempting to sort Iannix's issues, I do hope you get some joy out of it sooner or later. Otherwise I might start to feel a tad guilty for recommending it!
Well I'm glad you did recommend it - I'd already had a quick look at it a little while back as I've been feeling a strong need to find new ways of sequencing midi in AM. But I crossed it off my list due to the osc output. Your recommendation got me to have another look.