Hardware templates

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Fidel's picture
Joined: January 28, 2011


As having two RME PCI cards slotted into my PC, AM starts and gets ASIO connection at both hence causing multiple channels mapped in
As I don't need to get them all at once, and further need to change channels allocation from project to project sometimes I would appreciate that all hardware settings to be configured either within the audio project or accessible easily from a function key or icon ...
Also I do need to change from ASIO to WDM drivers according to the use of AM, and have to redo every change manually all time, no so confortable
I'm doing impulse response measurements, ambisonic decoding, multichannel mastering, stuff like that, where AM is very useful to build specific patching at a glance you know..
A last demand is to increase the AM internal buffering for plugins requiring very heavy computation, hence reduce the CPU load because latency being of less importance in my case
Take care


Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

Hi Pierre

I've also been talking with some other users about solutions to the "multiple hardware profiles" issue. I hope they will also give their experiences and opinions here (Luca?)

I have some specific questions about the way you're using AM though because your questions are not clear to me...

You wrote:
> As I don't need to get them all at once,
> and further need to change channels
> allocation from project to project sometimes

Can you explain _why_ you need to change channel allocation? Is this not something you can do in the AM patcher, and just keep a standard setup of outputs to the device?

> Also I do need to change from ASIO
> to WDM drivers according to the use of AM

Once again, I don't really understand this, can you explain more?

> and have to redo every change manually all time, no so comfortable

I understand this of course.

> A last demand is to increase the AM internal buffering for plugins

I don't really understand this request. At 256 frames AudioMulch default buffering is already quite large. Making the buffer size bigger is just as likely likely to increase cache pressure and reduce performance rather than improve it. What plugins are you having problems with? have you discussed the problem with their developers?



Fidel's picture
Joined: January 28, 2011

Hello Ross,
I'm just a bit late answering to you, as I was doing some more investigation in my problem
Actually, regarding the channels hardware assignments, the issue is to minimize the setup to those minimal channels required within the project, ie maybe 2 inputs and 6 outputs, possibly (but not in my case) being from different external gears
I spend time to put the rest to "none", inputs, outputs, MIDI, then save the document, but when opening a next document it's all back in !...
My concern is to make sure that useless "opened" channels do not influence the CPU load or buffering in some extend, that could increase the cause of crackles
As I said, there are two RME cards in slots, hence AM scrolling through and obliging me to sync those cards externally (SPDIF) to cancel audio crackles coming after long time playing the document 15@20 mn (because those cards have long term clocking shift if not perfectly synchronized)
And I would like to remove this outer clocking connection as I do not use any of those channels in my document
AM <-> RME HDSP9652 as an hardware preset (template), no matter if another RME 9632 is slotted, or my RME FFUC or any ASIO compatible gear hooked to the station
Then another template would allow the use of the 2nd card or ASIO gear for another job ...that's my enquiry
Regarding WDM streaming, I am running a software for MLS measurements (IRs) that does not support ASIO, but WDM
The reason for me to allocate and connect the 2nd RME card for that purpose, with the required changes in the document
A quick change of the system clock by Icons or function keys (and MIDI command) would be nice too

About the CPU load with highly computing plugins, I am having some investigation with the Harpex_B ambisonic plugin developper to understand why there is a huge CPU load difference when running into Wavelab (good) and AM (wrong)
I am thinking the further use of AM as not only a VST host (very confortable) but rather than an opportunity to present the classical music in a more fancy way, taking benefits of the wonderful and exciting effects of binaural, ambisonic, stuff like that allowing the mix and playback of this formal music with ambiances and relevant effects that would bring the listener a new experience of listening at Bach suites for instance ...
Being a newbie is this world of using MIDI controllers and the use of the metasurface in AM, I need to make sure about the correct hardware setup that I need to rely and cope with, to focus on my idea and try to do something different in audio...

note: Harpex_B is computing audio, and doing visual real time screen imaging which can be cancelled to save CPU load
In Wavelab: save of 15% CPU load when swithed off
In AM: no save at all (?) it looks like running anyway in the CPU tasking even with no display
Maybe a clue to figure out a possible fix


Unguitar's picture
Joined: July 6, 2009

Hi Ross,
I am very interested in following this discussion.
In my case I feel the need to recall specific hardware setups because I am planning to use my laptop in two different conditions, which I explain:
1-with an Rme ff400 and a rack with different processors, using the audio card as a splitter/router/mixer and sending out 4 ( or eventually more) output channels. In this case I am using something like 13 inputs and 16 outputs.
2-with an Rme Babyface for a more portable setup, where all the processing is happening inside AM. In this case I am using 1 input and 4 outputs.

Whenever I switch between these two setups I have to re-assign all the out/in-puts, which looks like being something that can be avoided by having the chance to save these settings somewhere.
If you asked me: would you prefer to have them saved into the .amh document or in a specific other document I would reply "I don't know", both solutions would have their plus and minus.
The important thing is not to have to do the re-assign routine each time !

I am very happy to know you are working on this Ross.
Best wishes,