Does anyone know if the Waves V7 plug-ins will work in Audio Mulch?
Here's a list of supported apps: Info/Supported_Hosts_Charts/V7_pc.html
Thanks for your time
Does anyone know if the Waves V7 plug-ins will work in Audio Mulch?
Here's a list of supported apps: Info/Supported_Hosts_Charts/V7_pc.html
Thanks for your time
the url:
[url=] Info/Supported_Hosts_Charts/V7_pc.html[/url]
Hi. I don't know the answer to your question, but I know that people have reported incompatibilities between AudioMulch and "the Waveshell" in the past. If there is demand for this I can talk to Waves and see if its possible to resolve any issues. -- Ross.
I too am interested to know the compatibility of waves 7 with AudioMulch. I have seen someone using waves IR-L with AudioMulch at the below link at the very bottom of the page.
I just downloaded waves 7 demo version. Audiomulch will show the WaveShell_VST_7_0 in the vst window. Once you click, a window appears which states that.
WaveShell-VST is not compatible with current application.
WaveShell-VST and the Waves Plugins can only run in applications that support VST shell Plugins (kPlugCategShell).
Is it possible to work out a fix? I am sure that many users of AudioMulch, including myself, are very interested in using Waves products hosted by AudioMulch.
Thank you,
Thanks for trying it out. I'll see whether I can fix this. At this stage I'm not sure how difficult it will be to resolve.
i have plenty other plugs to use, but i also own a heap of Waves...would be cool to introduce them to Mulch also,.......but, not if its going to slow down the progress of implementing some/all of those great FR's :)
Hi Ross
sorry to bother u with that, but it should be really really really wonderfull to see with the waves team how is it possible to solve this prroblem. thanks a lot for ur work (past & future), we love it!
There is an application called "shell to vst" that creates vst plug ins from shells and makes the use of waves plug ins possible.
This question irritates each and everyone weather waves’ v7 plug-in work in audio mulch but there is no answer for this question is solving the problem. I hope as suggested by Dkvladutu shell to vst tool helps in creating vst plug-in from the shell which may increase the possibilities of using wave’s plug-in. I hope this answer cater our needs. Also use 5.1 speakers for the best audio.