SDelay timing doesn't change with tempo [FIXED in 2.1.0]

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gxx's picture
Joined: July 14, 2009

An old bug from 1.0 (and earlier) that seems to still persist, is that changing the playback tempo doesn't change the timing on the SDelay contraption when it's set to semiquavers. The only way to update the delay time is to change the delay units to milliseconds and then back. I realize most people probably don't go changing the tempo while a file is playing..

Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

Yeah. That sounds like a bug, I'll look into it. Thanks. -- Ross

Ross B.
Ross B.'s picture
Joined: April 11, 2009

This will be fixed for version 2.1 -- Ross.